Wednesday 9 March 2016

Woman Makes A Delivery To A Customer, But What She Sees When She Pulls Up Stops Her In Her Tracks.

76-year-old Lee was ready to give up on his life after a series of tragedies – his home was destroyed in a storm AFTER his son died in a snowmobile accident. He decided to order a pizza to be delivered to his 12-foot-long camper, not knowing it would change his life forever.

Angela Nguyen knew she wanted to help Mr. Lee after discovering his poor living conditions while she delivered a pizza to him. “Living in this trailer with no heat, no sanitation whatsoever, he has no toilet, no water, nothing, is not acceptable to me. He’s a human being. He deserves to live like everybody else,” she said. She set up a GoFundMe account to help with getting the necessities he did not have.

A construction company heard the story and reached out to Angela. They let her know that they would like to build a small house for Lee as soon as possible, just before winter! Angela’s small deed provided inspiration for others to be involved in changing a life. Lee’s response, “it’s pretty awesome.”